UK: Lincs Offshore Wind Farm in Front of Finish Line
As the the Lincs offshore wind farm is in its preparation stage to begin with the power transmission to the National Grid, the developers have brought it in front of the finish line.
A total of 75 turbines should be operational by the end of summer, Centrica, which acquired this project in 2004 from Renewable Energy Systems, has confirmed to the Skegness Standard news site.
Located 8km off Skegness on the east coast of England, the Lincs offshore wind farm is developed by Centrica, Dong Energy and Siemens Project Ventures. It is expected to meet the annual power consumption requirements of up to 200,000 British households, by producing 270 MW of power and significantly reducing CO2 emissions.
It will be connected with a transmission line which will go along the seabed through The Wash towards Walpole, where it meets the National Grid connection.
Offshore WIND Staff, July 18, 2012; Image: MT Højgaard