UK: CDL Announces Their New DiverLevel Attitude Measurement System

Business & Finance


CDL announces that their newly released DiverLevel attitude measurement system has seen a very early adoption rate from the major rental companies in Aberdeen; with both Seatronics and DPS Offshore committed to multiple purchases within days of the systems launch. Building on the success of the original CDL MiniTXT and MiniTilt devices, the DiverLevel combines these technologies into a highly compact subsea inclination tool. The system has been specifically designed to surpass the needs of commercial divers in the wide array of circumstances where accurate attitude measurement is a key deliverable; offering a vast assortment of capabilities that range from anchor chain inclination through to the determination of as-built level of subsea infrastructure.

Initially, the original prototype DiverLevel was created as a bespoke design for a major subcontractor located in Norway; the prototype recieved extremely positive feedback and as a result CDL decided to make the effort to improve upon the its design while offering it to a much wider market.

The primary improvements that CDL made to the original prototype were all client driven. Through extensive canvassing of potential users as well as the diving community CDL was able to fine tune the final design allowing the new DiverLevel system to offer an improved battery life of more than 20 hours, full 360 degree range, ridged handle for improved grip, chunky on/off switch and the capability to tare the system to measure from the horizontal or the vertical.Pleasingly the purchases from both Seatronics and DPS were also client driven with all systems already committed to offshore projects in the North Sea at time of writing.

Commenting on the initial uptake, Kevin McBarron, MD of CDL said: “The DiverLevel demonstrates one of the strengths that have kept CDL at the forefront of delivering cutting edge technology to the subsea oil and gas sector. By working very closely with our clients we actively encourage them to influence the design of our products which benefits them as users and of course provides us with a better product, it is win win.

CDL are a major supplier of inertial navigation and attitude sensing technology. Their systems play an important role in providing surface and subsea positioning and navigation services for clients worldwide operating in the oil and gas, renewables, defence and marine markets. CDL have offices in Aberdeen, Houston and Rio de Janeiro.

Source: CDL, July 8, 2011;