Tullow On Track with Jubilee Field FPSO Repair

Business & Finance

UK-listed oil and gas player Tullow informed on Wednesday that Jubilee field FPSO turret remediation project is progressing as planned. 

The interim spread-mooring of the vessel on its current heading is on track to be completed by the end of 2016.

To remind, in April this year, Tullow notified that the bearing of the FPSO Kwame Nkrumah, moored in approximately 1,100 meters water depth offshore Ghana, was damaged and unable to rotate as originally designed.

In addition, the company said that the next phase of the project will involve spread mooring the FPSO in its permanent and optimum heading position.

“Details of this phase are currently being finalised with the Government and the joint venture partners and it remains on schedule to be completed in 2017. This work is likely to result in up to 12 weeks of production shut down in 2017,” Tullow said in its November trading update.