Trinidad and Tobago Dredging Project Nears Completion
Baggerbedrijf de Boer – Dutch Dredging BV is about to complete dredging works at the Queens Wharf and Caricom Wharves, Port of Spain, and ancillary works for the Government Shipping Service (GSS) of Trinidad and Tobago.

According to the Dutch company, the dredging at the Queens Wharf in Port of Spain is being done by trailing suction hoppers dredger (TSHD) “Lesse” with the assistance of plough-/survey vessel “Alice”.
Overall, the project will result in the removal of 700.000m³ of dredged material from the Queens Wharf and Caricom Wharf.
At the end of the dredging, an additional two meters of berthing capacity will be made available to allow for major vessels to berth at the Port of Spain.
The project, which began in July 2019, is expected to be completed by February 1st 2020.