Townsville welcomes Australia’s largest backhoe dredge Woomera


Earlier this week, Port of Townsville welcomed Australia’s largest backhoe dredge, Woomera, which will be used to widen the port’s 14.9-kilometre shipping channels over the next two years.

Port of Townsville

The $232 million Channel Upgrade is the largest infrastructure project in the port’s 158-year history and is vital to ensuring trade, defence and cruise opportunities no longer bypass Townsville.

Federal Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts, Paul Fletcher commented the arrival of the Woomera and the project by saying, “The channel upgrade project is a critical component of the Townsville City Deal, which will generate jobs and support Townsville’s future growth”.

The Townsville scheme is a joint project of the Australian and Queensland Governments, and the Port of Townsville Limited, and forms part of the Townsville City Deal signed in December 2016.

Under the City Deal, the Australian Government is contributing $75 million, the Queensland Government is contributing $105 million, and the Port of Townsville Limited is contributing the remaining $52 million.

I’m pleased to see Woomera arriving at the port, to begin the dredging required to set the Port of Townsville up for a booming future,” said Queensland Minister for Transport and Main Roads, Mark Bailey.With the widening of the channel comes more opportunities for the Port, for Townsville and for Queensland, creating jobs and boosting the economy at a time when it’s needed most.”

Port of Townsville CEO, Ranee Crosby added that the Woomera’s arrival marks an exciting step for the project. “The Port of Townsville is northern Australia’s largest general cargo port and services the region’s agriculture, mining, Defence, construction, retail, vehicle and tourism industries.”

Despite our port’s size, diversity and significance to north Australia’s industries, our shipping channel is one of the narrowest in Australia, measuring just 92 metres across,” Ms Crosby said. “As ships are getting larger it is critical the channel is widened to ensure we can continue to service North Queensland, support the region’s economy, and prepare for future growth for emerging industries including the export of green hydrogen.”

The Townsville Port Channel Upgrade project will double the width of the shipping channel from 92 metres to 180m at the inshore (Port) end, tapering to 120m at the seaward end. This will allow vessels up to 300 metres long to safely access the port.

The material removed during capital dredging will be brought to land for beneficial reuse in a 62-hectare reclamation area bounded by a rock wall, which was completed by Hall Contracting in 2021. The reclamation area will provide the port the opportunity to expand in the future with room for up to six new berths.

According to the port officials, the Woomera will begin dredging a small area to provide access to the reclaim area during daylight hours from next week, before moving to the shipping channel, where she will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week (weather permitting).

The Woomera is a mechanical dredge which uses an excavator to dig compact material from the seabed. It is a slower dredging method than alternatives, but will reduce the amount of seabed being disturbed at any one time, limiting the footprint of sediment plumes and associated environmental impact.