Touchdown for Borkum Riffgrund 2 Substation Jacket

Business & Finance

The jacket foundation for the DONG Energy’s Borkum Riffgrund 2 offshore substation was installed last week.

Heerema Marine Contractors are in charge of the offshore project, which includes the transport and installation of the substation’s jacket, piles and topside.

The jacket construction was shipped from the production site in the Dutch town of Schiedam to the construction site on July 14, and the installation started in on July 17.

DONG Energy plans to install the topside in the first quarter of 2018.

Borkum Riffgrund 2 is located approximately 57km off the north-west coast of Germany, next to the 312MW Borkum Riffgrund 1 offshore wind farm. It will have a total export capacity of 450MW, and will feature 56 units of MHI Vestas’ 8MW wind turbines.

The wind farm is expected to be fully commissioned in the first half of 2019.