Total to examine if O&G platforms can run on renewable energy


French energy major Total has joined a project to explore the potential of powering offshore oil and gas platforms with floating wind and wave energy.


The O/G Decarb innovation project will examine the possibility of using a combined wind and wave technology on a floating foundation to store energy that can convert electricity into hydrogen via electrolysis.

“This is an exciting and innovative project, which Total is supporting because it has the potential to solve one of the challenges of electrifying production platforms using offshore wind produced near the platform,” said Ole Hansen, Head of Development, Business & JV Management at Total E&P Denmark.

“By examining how wave and wind energy can be converted into hydrogen, the study can help create a reliable green energy supply for platforms that can be used on days without wind.”

Partnering with Total on O/G Decarb are Floating Power Plant A/S, the Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre, DTU Wind, Hydrogen Valley, the Danish Gas Technology Centre, and TechnipFMC. The project is being facilitated by the Energy Innovation Cluster and supported by the European Regional Development Fund.

Illustration of the project concept (Floating Power Plant A/S)

In addition to ensuring that the production platform has access to a stable source of renewable energy, the project will also examine the possibility of integrating any surplus production of hydrogen into the gas sent ashore.

“If we can reduce the climate footprint of energy-intensive oil and gas production while integrating a larger proportion of hydrogen into the natural gas produced, we’ll be a step closer to climate-neutral offshore energy production. The new innovation project is therefore relevant for Denmark,” said Glenda Napier, CEO of the Energy Innovation Cluster.

The project will run until the end of 2020.