Top News of the Week 16th – 20th of June

Business & Finance

Top News of the Week 16th – 20th of June

China Rejects P3 Network, Plan Abandoned

The Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) of the People’s Republic of China denied support to the P3 Network, proposed by Mærsk A/S (Maersk Line)  together with MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. and CMA CGM S.A. The MOFCOM’s decision follows a review under China’s merger control rules.


Rising Concern over American Seamen Imprisoned in Honduras

The International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots, the US professional mariners’ union, says the alleged inhumane treatment and undefined detentions of six American seamen on a salvage-relief mission in Honduras has now reached a point of critical mass and requires an immediate diplomatic remedy, which is now being formulated by State Department officials, Florida’s U.S. Senator Marco Rubio and two congressmen.


Fire aboard LNG Carrier Explorer, No Casualties

Exmar Shipmanagement NV, managers of the LNG carrier ‘Explorer’ confirmed that the vessel experienced a fire in the engine room on June 14 about 240 west of Mumbai, India. The fire was promptly extinguished by the ship’s crew using portable fire extinguishers.


Seven Workers Die at PEMEX Offshore Platform in Mexico

Seven workers died on Wednesday, June 11 at the construction site of a PEMEX offshore drilling platform in Veracruz, Mexico, Empresas ICA, a Mexico-based holding company confirmed on Friday.


Terntank Orders Two More LNG Powered Tankers

Swedish tanker owner Terntank has exercised options for two more LNG-powered product tankers pursuant to the order placed in the fall of 2013, according to Sjöfartstidningen. The eco-friendly tankers will be on a time charter with NEOT, North European Oil Trade Oy, Finland. 

World Maritime News Staff, June 22, 2014