Top news, May 15 – 21, 2017

Business & Finance

Tidal Energy Today has compiled the top news from tidal and wave energy industry from May 15 – 21, 2017.

OpenHydro lays Orkney tidal array plans

OpenHydro has received the approval from the Scottish licensing body Marine Scotland to install a demonstration array in Orkney’s waters that would feature two OpenHydro’s open-center tidal turbines. The license, granted in April 2017, allows OpenHydro to generate electricity in excess of 1MW at EMEC’s Fall of Warness grid-connected tidal test site.

GWave secures MMO marine license

Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has granted a marine license to US-based wave energy developer GWave for the installation of its 9MW wave energy device at Wave Hub, off UK. GWave plans to begin with the installation works at Wave Hub site in Cornwall in May next year.

Yam Pro Energy plans 15MW wave plants in Scotland

Israeli wave energy developer Yam Pro Energy has signed a memorandum of understanding with an unnamed UK partner to develop 15MW wave energy farms within at two different sites in Scotland. Yam Pro Energy said plans to add further 35MW in the next 3 years.

Wärtsilä to supply WaveRoller parts

The key components to be supplied by the Finnish manufacturer of power generation equipment Wärtsilä include metallic bearing housings, composite bearings, lip seals and hydraulic couplings. Wärtsilä will also provide the necessary installation services for the sub-assemblies for the 350kW AW Energy’s WaveRoller device.

French start-up scores €1.4M for salinity gradient tech

Sweetch Energy has secured €1.4 million from Go-Capital and Emertec investment funds to develop its salinity gradient power technology. Sweetch Energy will use the funds to accelerate the development of a prototype device that would exploit the differences in salt concentration between fresh and salt water to generate electricity.

Tidal Energy Today