Top news, April 6 – 12, 2015

Tidal Energy Today Staff has compiled the top news from tidal and wave energy industry from April 6 – 12, 2015.

BlueTec platform inaugurated at Port of Den HelderBlueTec platform inaugurated at Port of Den Helder

The first Dutch floating tidal platform has been formally named by the Mayor of Texel, the Netherlands. BlueTec platform will be installed near the island of Texel in the coming weeks, and connected to the grid. The platform is expected to start producing electricity before summer, and stay connected for several years, allowing multiple turbines to be tried out.


Atlantis-orders-Lockheed-Martins-tidal-turbine-for-Meygen-1024x614The Switch to deliver generator for AR1500 tidal turbine

The Switch has received an order from Atlantis Resources to deliver an integrated permanent magnet (PM) medium-speed generator that will be used in AR1500 tidal turbine scheduled for delivery to the MeyGen project in Q1 2016. The Switch was also included in designing of the gearbox and generator mating interface.


Oil and gas sector crisis cuts costs for tidal projectsOil and gas sector turbulence cuts costs for tidal projects

The vessels used to install the cables and turbines for tidal projects are the same as the vessels used by offshore oil and gas industry. Due to decline in the drilling activities in offshore oil and gas, tidal projects, such as MeyGen project developed by Atlantis Resources, located off the northern coast of Scotland, can benefit from these events.


Tidal Energy Today Staff