Tocardo’s T1 tidal array to power 100 homes

Authorities & Government

The electricity produced by the array will be fed to the Dutch grid, powering 100 households.

As announced earlier, Tocardo has installed the array of three T1 tidal turbines at Afsluitdijk, Den Oever.

The array has the capacity of 300 kW, and the electricity produced by the array will be bought and distributed to the grid by Dutch energy company Greenchoice.

Hans van Breugel, Tocardo’s CEO, said: “The turbines will give us vital data and experience in turbine arrays. As the world’s only turbine manufacturer capable of installing this type of multi-turbine installation, we can now monitor the array in turbulent waters and see how the turbines interact.”

After fine-tuning and evaluation of the array, the project partners plan to deploy additional tidal installations in the Afsluitdijk with the capacity of up to 2 MW, it is stated in Tocardo’s press release.

Dutch Tidal Testing Center is managing the project.

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