TenneT Ready for Noordoostpolder Wind Farm Connection


The Dutch grid operator TenneT has completed the last technical tests for the cable connection of Noordoostpolder wind farms.

The work on the connection system included the construction of a high voltage substation at Westermeerdijk, the construction of a 110kV cable line that goes from Westermeerdijk via Emmeloord to Ens, adaptation of a high voltage substation Emmeloord Zuidervaart and a major expansion of a high voltage substation in Ens.

TenneT believes it will complete the work until the spring of 2015, with the commissioning of the wind farm expected to take place the following year.

With a total capacity of 370MW, it will be able to provide enough electricity for 400,000 homes.

Noordoostpolder wind project consists of three separate wind farms totaling 86 wind turbines on water and on land, i.e. Windpark Westermeerwind (144 MW), NOP Agrowind (195 MW) and RWE Essent (30 MW).

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Offshore WIND Staff; Image: Westermeerwind