Technip to Lay Off All Employees at Pori (Finland)

Business & Finance

Technip Offshore Finland is reportedly sending home its entire workforce employed at construction yard in Pori.

The manufacturing yard in Finland, lately responsible for delivery of a 23,000-ton truss spar hull for Anadarko’s Heidelberg field development in the US Gulf of Mexico, has experienced a sharp decline in new orders.

The last report about new orders coming in was end-January this year when Technip was tasked to deliver subsea foundations for the Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy’s offshore wind farm project.

According to Finish media, layoffs for 288 yard workers should begin from October 17, while the rest 188, including office staff and managers, will be laid off from the end of the same month.

The layoffs are said to be temporary, and if new orders do come in some of the layoffs will be reversed.

Subsea World News Staff