Tecade Ships Out First Moray East Transition Pieces

Ports & Logistics

Spanish steel fabrication company Tecade has loaded out the first two transition pieces built for the 950MW Moray East offshore wind project at its facility in the Port of Seville.


In total, Tecade will produce and deliver 20 transition pieces for the 100-turbine project offshore Scotland. The company secured the EUR 12.7 million contract through Navantia and through Nervión Industries. Belgium’s Smulders awarded Navantia with a contract to manufacture and deliver 20 upper jackets for the project.

Tecade will send the transition pieces by sea to Navantia’s facility in Puerto Real where the assembly of the upper jackets will take place. From there, the upper jackets will be sent to Newcastle, UK for final assembly.

Smulders is in charge of manufacturing and delivering a total of 55 turbine jacket foundations.

The UAE-based Lamprell has already started working on the remaining 45 turbine jackets. Lamprell will also manufacture and deliver three jacket foundations for the wind farm’s offshore substations.

Currently under construction, the Moray East wind farm will comprise 100 MHI Vestas 9.5MW turbines installed some 22 kilometres off the Aberdeenshire coast. The wind farm is scheduled to be fully operational in 2022.