Sustainable Marine Energy Hosts Grand Passage Project Tour

Operations & Maintenance

In conjunction with Marine Renewables Canada’s East Coast Summer Event in Halifax on August 15, Sustainable Marine Energy (SME), Marine Renewables Canada, and the Digby Development Agency are hosting a tour of SME’s tidal energy platform and project in Grand Passage, Nova Scotia on August 14.


In September 2018, SME installed the first floating in-stream tidal energy platform in Grand Passage, Nova Scotia as the initial stage of the Grand Passage Demonstration Project.

The Grand Passage Demonstration Project’s main objectives is to prove the sustained reliability of that 280kW PLAT-I technology, to understand how it interacts with the marine environment and any affects it might have on marine life and other users, and to identify opportunities for costs efficiencies to realize a renewable energy system that is competitive with other forms of power generation.

The Grand Passage project is the first step in SME’s staged-integrated approach to commercialization at FORCE.

The tour offers an opportunity to view the deployed tidal technology first-hand and learn about operations, current activities, and future plans.

Participants are responsible for their own transportation to the site and accommodations should they choose to stay in Westport or surrounding area. Digby Development Agency will be providing a Networking Lunch.

Space is limited to 18 participants.