STX Finland Delivers RV Mirabilis

Business & Finance

STX Finland Delivers RV Mirabilis

On Thursday 28 June 2012, STX Finland Oy’s Rauma Shipyard celebrated the flag-changing ceremony of the specialised vessel built for the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources of the Republic of Namibia. The event was witnessed by representatives of the customer, the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries, the classification society Bureau Veritas and STX Finland, invited guests and members of the press.

The NB 1378, RV Mirabilis, is 62.4 metres long and 14.3 metres wide versatile and modern specialised vessel, fulfilling the latest performance requirements. In the design of the research vessel, special attention has been paid to the ship’s technology, serviceability and low maintenance costs. The tasks of the ship include monitoring of fish stock, as well as sorting, processing, freezing and storage of fish. The versatile specialised vessel will also be used for collecting biological samples from seabed and water quality research and analysis, and it will provide assistance for control of fishing. The ship also features facilities for meteorological research and a dynamic positioning system which enables it to operate in any African sea, at all weather conditions druing all seasons, with no restrictions. She will provide accommodation for 44 crew members and research personnel.

“We are very satisfied to deliver the RV Mirabilis to the customer on schedule and as agreed. Cooperation both at the national level and between the project groups has been extremely good and close through the whole process,” says Toivo Ilvonen, Director of STX Rauma Shipyard. “Together with the Agulhas II, the Antarctic research and supply vessel completed in April, the specialised vessel delivered now constitutes an excellent reference in the STX Finland’s research vessel segment. Both vessels have attracted a lot of international attention,” Ilvonen continues.

Subsea World News Staff , July 09, 2012;  Image: STX