
Steel cut for AtoB@C Shipping’s 1st electric hybrid cargo ship

Business Developments & Projects

A shipyard in India has started construction on the first of six ice-classed electric hybrid vessels ordered by AtoB@C Shipping AB, a Swedish subsidiary of Finland-based shipping company ESL Shipping.

AtoB@C Shipping
Photo: AtoB@C Shipping

After an intensive period of finalizing the details of the design, a steel cutting ceremony was held at Chowgule Shipyard in Goa, India, on 15 March.

The first vessel in the series is expected to be delivered to ESL Shipping’s subsidiary during the third quarter of 2023.

“It is fascinating to witness how the first vessel is starting to take shape and grows from a small piece of steel into a complete vessel ready to carry cargo across the seas,” Janne Eklöf, Technical Director of ESL Shipping, commented.

As Offshore Energy reported several months ago, AtoB@C Shipping ordered the six energy-efficient 5,350 dwt general cargo vessels in September 2021.

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These new 1A ice class vessels will feature improved cargo capacity and advanced technology, according to the company.

The greenhouse gas emissions, including CO2, of new vessels per cargo unit transported, will decrease by almost 50% compared to the existing ships, ESL shipping said.

The vessels’ battery packs, shore-side electricity solution and electric hybrid use enable completely emission-free and noise-free port calls. Ships can also arrive and leave the port with only electric power.

The total investment value of the six ships is approximately EUR 70 million ($77.3 million). AtoB@C Shipping has the option to expand the order with several ships.

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