Statoil Gets Consent to Use Glitne Facilities, Norway

Business & Finance

Statoil Gets Consent to Use Glitne Facilities, Norway

Statoil has received a new consent to use Glitne, which includes the Petrojarl 1 production and storage facility with associated subsea wells.

Production on the Glitne field started in 2001. However, additional resources that were discovered in the field have made it possible to operate the field for longer than originally planned.

The field is developed with the Petrojarl 1 production and storage facility, which is tied in to six production wells and one water injection well on the seabed.

Based on the information provided by Statoil on analyses and assessments of the condition of the facilities, status for handling nonconformities and other factors, the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) has granted Statoil a new consent which is valid until 31 May 2013, when the facilities are expected to be removed from the field.

Glitne is located in blocks 15/5 and 15/6 in the central part of the North Sea, and is part of production licences 048 B and 029 B. It is located about 40 km north of the Sleipner field.

Petrojarl 1 was built in 1986 at the NKK Shipyard in Japan. The facility is operated by Teekay Petrojarl Production AS. It is registered in the Norwegian ship register and DnV is the classification society. Petrojarl 1 received an Acknowledgement of Compliance (AoC) from the PSA in April 2008.

Press Release, February 07, 2013; Image: Teekay