SRC allies with Green Marine to bring its methanol storage solution to market

Global company SRC and Danish Green Marine have signed a collaborative agreement under which the two parties will work together to develop and deliver SRC’s methanol storage solution to the market.

Courtesy of SRC Group

SRC claimed that by using the SPS Technology Sandwich Plate System instead of traditional cofferdams that separate tank walls, its Methanol Superstorage solution boosts shipboard tank volumes by 85% and provides effective mitigation for methanol’s significantly lower energy density than conventional HFO.

Hannes Lilp, CEO of SRC Group, stated: “Following the huge initial impact made by Methanol Superstorage, SRC and GREEN MARINE will work together to provide comprehensive technical coverage for methanol integration.”

“With GREEN MARINE’s extensive experience in methanol projects and overall technical knowledge of the entire process, combined with SRC’s expertise in methanol storage and over 23 years of experience in ship refits and conversions, we are well-placed to onboard Methanol Superstorage for both retrofit and new build vessels, and establish a mature sales framework to enable global adoption.”

Chris Chatterton, Green Marine’s Managing Director and Partner, said that Green Marine stands alongside SRC in the demonstration phase of Methanol Superstorage, noting: “Market receptiveness to Methanol Superstorage has been exceptional and we look forward to working with SRC to realise its extraordinary potential to help drive forward methanol as a mainstream marine fuel.”

To remind, in 2023, SRC Group received approval in principle (AiP) from the classification society Lloyd’s Register (LR) for the solution.

At the time, Lilp pointed out: “Due to long-established use in other industries, availability and performance, methanol is the alternative marine fuel offering the strongest potential to reduce ship GHGs at pace.”

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