Spotted: Afrika All Made Up

Business & Finance

Afrika All Made Up

The Jaczon-operated fishing trawler, Afrika, left Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen on July 9, fresh from a period in drydock where she received a program of repairs and upgrades.

The upgrades performed on the vessel included the extension of the forecastle deck creating more storage space, as well as an extension of the boat deck, thus increasing the accommodation space, which also received a complete refurbishment.

A complete steam-cleaning and paint job in the technical areas and an overhaul and renewal of a large part of the engine room machinery were also conducted. Dock items included the propeller shaft, hub modifications and fish equipment renewal.

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Fishing vessels require extra consideration to matters of safety, Damen says. Several safety adaptations were made to the aft deck arrangement, new staircases in the holds and the bow thruster compartment.

Afrika’s fish tanks are temperature-controlled by refrigerated cold water and insulated with purofoam to prevent energy loss. This highly flammable material can only be used once and is difficult to remove due to its positioning “in between” steel walls.

A plan was devised to inject the space between the panelling and the deck with N2. The flow of oxygen was then closely monitored, and welding on deck successfully completed without having to remove the insulation.

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”A few months prior to commencing works on Afrika, one of Jaczon’s vessels caught fire. Understandably this meant that safety was a priority. Our fishing refit experience began with the rebuilding of one of the largest fishing vessels in the Dutch fleet, the Willem van der Zwan, which burnt out completely in 2007,” said Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen’s Commercial Manager Peter Sterkenburg.