Bongo RSV

Sonardyne kits out C-Innovation ROV fleet in Brazil


Marine services player C-Innovation has chosen Sonardyne’s underwater positioning and navigation technology to support its operations offshore Brazil.

Bongo RSV; Courtesy: C-Innovation/Sonardyne

Sonardyne will equip remotely operated vehicles (ROV fleet) on board six ROV support vessels with inertial, gyrocompass and Doppler technologies, as well as hybrid acoustic-inertial systems.

Specifically, C-I has ordered SPRINT inertial navigation systems (INS), a Lodestar attitude and heading reference system (AHRS), Syrinx Doppler velocity logs (DVLs) and Sonardyne’s hybrid acoustic-inertial underwater vehicle navigation instruments, SPRINT-Nav.

C-I has also ordered a quantity of Sonardyne’s Compatt 6+ transponders and Wideband Sub-Mini 6+ (WSM 6+) transponder/responders for tracking structures and vehicles.

Most of the vessels will be working for Petrobras, and one vessel will be working for Karoon Energy.

The scope of work is subsea inspection, maintenance and repair operations and ROV fleet support.

Five of the six vessels, which start contracts in Brazil this year, already have Sonardyne’s Ranger 2 USBL positioning system

Sonardyne sales & applications manager, Andre Moura, also said:

“The versatility and consistent high performance offered by our solutions means that C-Innovation can be confident they will see a return on their equipment investment throughout the life of the projects. That confidence, together with our in-country servicing and support, in turn helps to underpin their ongoing success in the market here.”