Solar Boat Team experience: “It was really amazing. I would do it again instantly!”


Anna Koper, Student of Integrated Product Design at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), who joined the university’s Solar Boat Team last year and found herself at the forefront of sustainable energy innovation, shares her experience.

Anna Koper (Screenshot/Video by Navingo)
Anna Koper (Screenshot/Video by Navingo)
Anna Koper (Screenshot/Video by Navingo)

Solar Boat Team is working on the Hydro Motion project, where a group of 23 driven students from TU Delft commit themselves for a full year in which to design, build, and test a hydrogen-powered boat.

The team had its focus on solar boats for years and last year decided to take it to the next level by starting to build the world’s first flying hydrogen-powered trimaran, which was unveiled earlier during OEEC 2021.

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Koper shares the ups and downs the Solar Boat Team faced during the development, and how innovation – in more than just the energy sector – helped them overcome the challenges.

Commenting on her future plans, Koper said: “I find it important that I can do something that’s meaningful, and it could be sustainable energy. We should incorporate sustainability into everything we do, because that is possible”.

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