Snakes Pay a Visit to Maersk Deliverer Rig in Angola

Snakes Pay a Visit to Maersk Deliverer Rig

Denmark’s Maersk Group today posted an interesting story about snakes visiting its Maersk Deliverer semi-submersible drilling rig. The company did not specify how and when exactly the snakes appeared on its drilling unit in Angola.

Maersk said: “They’re big, they’re brown, they’re long, they’re…snakes on a rig.

They may not be on a plane, and they may not be poisoning passengers, but they’re certainly making their slithering presence felt on Maersk Deliverer in Angola.

The crew onboard were quick enough to grab these shots of the slippery reptiles as they came to visit recently.

Let’s hope these guys don’t decide to lurk around too much longer…”

Maersk Deliverer

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February 13, 2013