A photo of AR500 delivered to Japan (Courtesy of Simec Atlantis)

Simec Atlantis tidal kit lands in Japan

Business Developments & Projects

Simec Atlantis has delivered its tidal energy generation equipment to Japan ahead of deployment in the Naru Strait.

AR500 delivered to Japan (Courtesy of Simec Atlantis)
A photo of AR500 delivered to Japan (Courtesy of Simec Atlantis)
AR500 delivered to Japan (Courtesy of Simec Atlantis)

The Atlantis-designed and built tidal generation system has arrived in Japan’s Nagasaki harbour, having left Scotland in October.

In January 2021, it will be transported by support vessels to the designated deployment site in the Naru Strait, located between the islands of Naru and Hisaka in the Goto Island chain.

The AR500 tidal generation system will be deployed at the Naru Strait site initially operating at a capped maximum generation output of 500kW, as performance and environmental data collection, and device validation are undertaken for the client and Japanese regulatory bodies.

Drew Blaxland, Director of ATES Division, said: “Given the obvious challenges COVID presented during the turbine building program in Scotland this year and the logistical challenges presented during transit more recently, we have still managed to deliver a turbine quayside in Japan before Christmas.

“To see this AR500 machine arrive in Japan, a first of its kind here, is a great achievement.  Our focus now is in getting the power export cable, foundation and turbine nacelle installed safely, then we all look forward to this Scottish built turbine delivering predictable, sustainable renewable energy for Japan post commissioning”.

The demonstrator project will seek to capitalize on Japan’s wealth of tidal resources, said to some of the best in the world. Earlier in 2020, the company opened its first office in Japanese prefecture of Nagasaki under the name Atlantis Operations Japan.