Siemens Gamesa Goes to Eleven


Siemens Gamesa has expanded its product portfolio with the launch of the new Siemens Gamesa DD Flex concept and the SG 11.0-193 DD Flex offshore wind turbine.

Built on the current largest offshore wind turbine in the Siemens Gamesa fleet, the SG 11.0-193 DD Flex can reach a capacity of 11MW under specific site conditions, the company said.

“The SG 11.0-193 DD Flex is another example of how Siemens Gamesa constantly works to improve performance and provide greater value for our customers, ratepayers, and society-at-large,” said Andreas Nauen, CEO of the Siemens Gamesa Offshore Business Unit.

”Digitalization allows us to increase the capacity of our current largest machine to 11 MW, boosting its annual energy production, while keeping the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) down. In turn our customers can deliver more clean, reliable energy to end-users at lower overall prices.” 

The SG 11.0-193 DD Flex offshore wind turbine features a 193-meter diameter rotor utilizing the 94-meter long Siemens Gamesa B94 Integral Blades. Constant digital observations are processed by the control system, increasing capacity up to 11MW.

SGRE will also soon install offshore turbine number 1,000 using its patented Direct Drive technology, the company said. Furthermore, confirmed orders for an additional 1,000 SGRE Offshore Direct Drive turbines have been received.