Sempra files request for Port Arthur LNG expansion


U.S. energy company and LNG operator Sempra Energy has filed a request with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to start the pre-filing review process of the Port Arthur LNG expansion process. 

Port Arthur LNG (Image courtesy of Sempra Energy)

The expansion project will be located at the site of the recently approved Port Arthur liquefaction project near Port Arthur, Texas, adding additional liquefaction capacity to the facility, Sempra said in its filing.

The project would add two liquefaction trains which will be located adjacent to Trains 1 and 2 in the base project. LNG produced from Trains 3 and 4 will be stored and exported using storage tanks and marine facilities approved as part of the base project.

The expansion project will increase LNG production capacity from 13.5 million metric tons per annum (mtpa) in aggregate from Trains 1 and 2 to approximately 27.0 mtpa.

The expansion project facilities will be located wholly within property certificated for the base project.

Sempra proposes to file its formal application for the proposed expansion project in January 2020, approximately six months from the expected date of commencement of the pre-filing review process for the expansion project.

In that application, Sempra will request that the commission issue authorization for the siting, construction, and operation of the expansion project by no later than January 2021. Sempra anticipates requesting authorization to begin construction in March 2022.