Semco studying connection for Danish nearshore wind farms
Semco Maritime has won a contract to carry out a study on the electrical infrastructure for European Energy’s Omø South and Jammerland Bay nearshore wind farms in Denmark.

The scope of the study comprises optimization of the electrical infrastructure, electrical grid studies and evaluating several scenarios of how to bring the power from the turbines to the grid onshore.
This includes the assessment of the subsea cable layout and design, as well as onshore and offshore substation topologies.
According to Semco, capital expenditure vs. operational expenditure will be assessed to ensure the overall total cost of ownership is as optimized as possible.
The engineering study kicked off in July and will be finalized this month.
European Energy received the approval of the environmental impact assessments (EIA) for the Omø South and Jammerland Bay projects in May.
The wind farms, which have a total capacity of 560 MW, are planned to enter into operation in 2023.