Secretary Davey Welcomes UK Energy Statistics

Authorities & Government

Following the publication of the annual energy statistics Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Edward Davey, commented.

Secretary Davey Welcomes UK Energy Statistics

Secretary Davey said:

“The government’s investment in renewable energy is paying off: renewable electricity has more than doubled in just four years – with around 15 per cent of Britain’s electricity already coming from clean renewable sources like wind, solar and hydro.

“This massive investment in green energy is accelerating, with 2013 a record year, with almost £8 billion invested across range of renewable technologies. Having a strong UK renewable sector helps to reduce our foreign imports of energy, improving our energy security, as well as helping us tackle climate change and creating new hi-tech green jobs. A green energy future that once seemed impossible for Britain is fast becoming a reality.”

UK Government set goal to produce 20% of its electricity from renewable sources by the year 2020.


Press Release, July 31, 2014; Image: decc