Second “Smart” VLCC Delivered to China’s CMES

China Merchants Energy Shipping (CMES) has taken delivery of its second smart very large crude carrier (VLCC) from compatriot Dalian Shipbuilding Industry (DSIC).

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New Vision, as the 308,000 dwt newbuild is named, was delivered from the shipbuilder’s Dalian yard on August 28.

What makes the 333-meter-long ship smart, according to the company, is an installed “intelligent” system which includes assisted autopilot navigation, intelligent liquid cargo management, and integrated energy efficiency management, among other functions.

The first smart unit, New Journey, was delivered in June this year.

According to VesselsValue data, DSIC is expected to deliver one more VLCC to CMES in October this year.

The vessels are part of a 10-ship order unveiled by CMES in 2015. They are operated by CMES’ Hong Kong-based subsidiary, China VLCC Company Limited, which was set up in September 2015.

World Maritime News Staff