Second Contract Awarded for Fargo-Moorhead Project
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, has awarded a $59.4 million contract to Ames Construction, Inc. to complete the Wild Rice River structure portion of the Fargo, North Dakota/Moorhead, Minnesota, Metropolitan Area Flood Risk Management Project.

The contract for the Wild Rice River structure is the second construction contract to be awarded by the federal government for the Fargo-Moorhead diversion project.
“This is a very important milestone for the project,” said Col. Karl Jansen, St. Paul District commander. “It marks the continuation of federal construction and another major step towards permanent flood risk management for the Fargo-Moorhead area.”
This congressionally authorized project is a 30-mile long diversion channel in North Dakota with upstream staging.
The plan includes a 21-mile long southern embankment, 19 highway bridges, four railroad bridges, three gated control structures and two aqueduct structures.
Funding for this work was included in the Corps of Engineers Fiscal Year 2019 Work Plan.