Seaway Heavy Lifting Orders OCTOPUS-Onboard

Business & Finance

The Dutch offshore contractor Seaway Heavy Lifting has ordered Amarcon’s OCTOPUS-Onboard decision support technology for her monohull crane vessel Stanislav Yudin.

Seaway Heavy Lifting Orders OCTOPUS-Onboard

This order is the second OCTOPUS-Onboard installation for Seaway Heavy Lifting. In 2011 the Oleg Strashnov was equipped with Amarcon’s motion monitoring & forecasting solution. Both vessels from SHL offer, amongst others, significant lifting capabilities and are able to provide a broad range of offshore heavy installations tasks.

For the Stanislav Yudin, Amarcon will deliver an OCTOPUS-Onboard installation including motion monitoring & forecasting in order to increase workability and safety during offshore installation operations. The motion forecast allows the master to select the most favorable heading during offshore installation projects, with the least forecasted roll and pitch motions, so operations can be executed in a safe and efficient way. Part of the system shall be an interface with the 2,500 tonnes revolving crane. This enables the master to monitor, view and store the motions of the crane tip within the OCTOPUS-Onboard system. In addition to the onboard decision support that OCTOPUS offers, SHL will have access to OCTOPUS-Online. This way the onshore operations department is constantly informed about location and status of the vessel, and has an insight in forecasted and measured motions and accelerations of the vessel during offshore installation tasks.

Amarcon, March 6, 2014