Blue Robotics BlueROV2

SeaView beefs up BlueROV2 system


SeaView’s new MBM-150 multi-battery manager recently enabled completion of a survey with BlueROV2 vehicle powered by six linked batteries.


The survey target had constricted access for ROVs such as Seaeye Falcon as well as any other observation class ROV.

BlueROV2 also allowed for a much more efficient, streamlined, and low cost mobilization, transport, and demobilization.

Therefore, these efficiencies would never have been possible with a larger ROV, SeaView said.

SeaView Systems has developed several key upgrades for the Blue Robotics BlueROV2 system.

These upgrades include the new 4K CinemaCam ultra-HD camera, already mentioned Multi-Battery Manager, and fiber optic upgrade conversion kit.

According to SeaView, these improvements bring the BlueROV2’s functionality in line with ROVs of much bigger size.

“The BlueROV2’s ease of mobilization & deployment makes loading out for a job incredibly efficient,” said operations manager Geoff Cook.

Also, the extra battery power made possible by our MBM-150 battery manager meant to not having to rush the inspection due to worries about running out of power.”

Cook believes that the ability to take the time to do a thorough inspection without having to keep a constant eye on a quickly draining single battery is invaluable.

Meanwhile, BlueLink, who assembles the BlueROV2 on behalf of Blue Robotics, recently partnered with EIVA to integrate NaviSuite Mobula software.

NaviSuite Mobula is a complete high-end software solution for ROVs which supports the addition of various sonars and laser-scanners.