SeaTwirl Continues Patent Streak

Business & Finance

The Chinese patent authority has awarded the Swedish wind power company SeaTwirl with a patent for its divisible offshore wind turbine.

The solution includes a turbine that is divisible above and below the house that holds the generator and bearing, meaning that their entire housing can be replaced just above the water surface by boat, SeaTwirl said.

According to the company, the turbine facilitates and reduces the cost of installation and maintenance, enabling the downtime to be minimized.

SeaTwirl also recently secured a patent for its dynamic floating wind turbine in the U.S.

“The Chinese market is the one that stands for the most expansion of wind power in the world, and floating wind power will also be included in the future expansion, which makes it important to protect our technology even there,” said Gabriel Strängberg, CEO of SeaTwirl.

“Again, I would like to stress that we try to focus on an as simple and robust solution as possible, as this is very important at sea where service and repairs can be very expensive. The solution that has now also received a Chinese patent reduces the cost of service and maintenance by simplifying the installation and replacement of entire modules.”

SeaTwirl uses a vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) with a tower placed on an underwater structure, which consists of a buoyancy component and a keel at its lowest point. The turbines can be anchored in areas much deeper than 50m.