
SeaTwirl and Crest Consultants join hands for Brazil’s offshore wind

Business & Finance

SeaTwirl has entered into a cooperation with Crest Consultants AB for the offshore wind market in Brazil.


The aim is to identify specific areas that are suitable for offshore wind power, to develop concept products with Brazilian partners based on SeaTwirl’s technology and Crest’s engineering experience, and to eventually find commercial projects to collaborate on.

In the first stage, a feasibility study, partly financed with a SEK 50,000 (approximately EUR 4,533) grant from Offshore Väst, will be carried out.

“Brazil is an exciting market with very good conditions for offshore wind power, as there are both a lot of coast and a large offshore industry,” said SeaTwirl’s Interim CEO Peter Schou.

According to SeaTwirl, a supporting feature for the venture is that Sweden and Brazil have a strategic cooperation agreement to stimulate partnerships in innovation and development between the countries.