Seahorse Ready for Gwynt y Môr Scour Protection Works

Operations & Maintenance

Rock dumping vessel Seahorse will start scour protection operations at various locations within and around the Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm in late November 2014, AWJ Marine informs.

A Notice to Mariners issued regarding the work recquires all vessel traffic to keep at least 500m clear of Seahorse.

Gwynt y Môr will consist of 160 turbines and is being built by RWE Innogy UK (formerly RWE npower renewables) in Liverpool Bay, off the North Wales coast.

Once operational, Gwynt y Môr will have an installed capacity of 576MW, using Siemens 3.6MW turbines and generators.

It will be capable of generating enough energy to meet the average annual energy needs of around 400,000 homes.

The wind farm is due to be fully operational by the end of 2014.

Image: Deme

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