Transocean Equinox rig; Source: Transocean

Seabed surveys on ConocoPhillips’ agenda for April ahead of drilling ops offshore Australia

Business Developments & Projects

ConocoPhillips Australia (COPA), a subsidiary of the U.S.-headquartered energy giant ConocoPhillips, has penciled in the start of seabed surveys for next month to find drilling locations for its upcoming Otway exploration drilling program (OEDP), envisioned to discover more Australian gas with a semi-submersible rig owned by Transocean, a Switzerland-based offshore drilling contractor.

Transocean Equinox rig; Source: Transocean

ConocoPhillips’ exploration program in the offshore Otway Basin permits VIC/P79 and T/49P in Commonwealth waters, which is expected to unleash commercially viable natural gas reserves to help meet Australia’s energy needs, received the green light from the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) weeks ago.

The go-ahead for this exploration program off the coast of Victoria and Tasmania enables seabed surveys and drilling activities, which entail up to six exploration wells. As a result, ConocoPhillips is moving forward with its planned campaign. According to the firm, the seabed surveys are set to begin in the Commonwealth offshore permit area VIC/P79 in early April 2025.

Moreover, these surveys, anticipated to take four weeks to complete, are seen as an important safety and environmental measure undertaken before kicking off hydrocarbon drilling operations. However, the exact start-up date and duration depend on vessel availability and ocean conditions.

“The survey will help us to understand the existing seabed environment and determine drilling locations. The survey will be undertaken by a boat/vessel, and will involve mapping of the seafloor and collecting seabed samples. Our Environment Plan outlines the control measures that will be in place to ensure that impacts are mitigated to acceptable levels that are as low as reasonably practicable,” outlined ConocoPhillips.

ConocoPhillips, the operator with an 80% stake in the offshore permits, handed out many assignments for the project. The firm picked the AHTS vessels from Sea1 Offshore, former Siem Offshore, for the project and the Transocean Equinox semi-submersible drilling rig, which was selected for a two-well drilling contract, signed as part of a 2025 exploration drilling program for the Otway project.

View on Offshore-energy.

These exploration activities in the Otway Basin near existing natural gas wells aim to identify viable gas reserves to supply the East Coast market and support Australia’s current and future energy needs, ensuring reliable power generation, industrial processes, and residential heating.

Gas is perceived to be “a vital part of Australia’s energy future,” in ConocoPhillips’ view, with a range of environmental protection regulatory measures and additional initiatives in place to mitigate impacts to the marine environment.

The firm is also busy with oil and gas projects outside Australia, as confirmed by the start-up of oil production from a project tied to a field in the Greater Ekofisk Area in the North Sea.