SeaBeam 3050 Exceeds All Expectations


During the actual expedition of the German research vessel Poseidon of IFM-Geomar, the SeaBeam System 3050, recently installed onboard, reached peak values regarding depth performance and coverage with a beam width of 1.5 by 2 degrees.

On the journey to the Black Sea, where the system was used for the detection of methane bubbles within the Sugar project, the system reached a depth performance of more than 3.400 m and a coverage of more than 5.000 m, thus exceeding the calculated values of 3.000 m (depth performance) and 3.500 m (coverage) significantly. The technological top performance and reliability of our SeaBeam system was thus proven impressively once again.

The SeaBeam 3050 multibeam echo sounder collects bathymetric, corrected backscatter, sidescan and Water Column Imaging (WCI) data in medium depth over a wide swath in excess of 140 degrees, meeting all relevant survey standards. Due to its depth performance in combination with wide coverage, SeaBeam 3050 is the ideal hydrographic sensor for mapping the continental slope.


Source: elac-nautik ,February 18, 2011;