‘Sea Installer’ Calls into Port of Esbjerg, Denmark
A2SEA’s newly build Sea Installer calls into the Port of Esbjerg around the 6 December. Around New Year the ship will be sailing with two 6MW Siemens test mills to be installed at Gunfleet Sands.
Hereafter the Sea Installer will work at the Anholt project where A2SEA then will have four vessels working with installation. The powerful crane of the Sea Installer can lift 800 tons and the vessel can carry between eight and ten windmills at a time.
Blue Water Agency earlier acted as agent for A2SEAs Sea Worker which arrived in Esbjerg Harbor on 5 November to be mobilized for its next assignment: installing wind turbines at Anholt Offshore Wind Farm which will become Denmark’s largest with its 111 x 3.6 Siemens windmills.
On the 19 November the Sea Worker sailed to the city of Grenå where Blue Water also acts as agent. In addition, it acted as agent for the two tugboats, Sea Bravo and Sea Echo, which assisted the Sea Worker at arrival and departure, while acting as agent for Sea Energy in Esbjerg, at the same time.
Press release, December 4, 2012; Image: Blue Water