Scottish National Marine Plan draft ‘unfit for purpose’

Authorities & Government

Scotland’s National Marine Plan draft is deemed unfit for purpose, according to the Scottish Parliament’s Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee (RACCE).

The draft has been under development by the Scottish Government over a five year period. The Committee is concerned, that the current draft is in parts too detailed, and in other parts too vague, and that it therefore requires amendments to make it fully fit for purpose.

Rob Gibson, MSP, Convener of the Committee, said: “The Committee is deeply disappointed that a Government plan five years in the making is simply not yet fit for purpose. The right Government plan has the potential to clearly outline rights and responsibilities, while protecting Scotland’s sustainable future. We are calling on the Scottish Government to create a final National Marine Plan that is clear, concise and can be evenly applied across the country.”

RACCE’s report on National Marine Plan draft states that the map of options for offshore wind and marine renewables does not show the current consented areas.

The Committee believes that it is important the map clearly showed plans for the future and areas that have already received consents, and was pleased that Scottish Government officials confirmed that the map in the draft NMP could be updated and that the information could also be included in the National Marine Plan interactive (NMPi).

The Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee (RACCE) scrutinises policy proposals relating to rural affairs, climate change and the environment, and applies authoritive, expert, effective and influential scrutiny to policy.

Image: EMEC