Scotland Releases National Marine Plan

Authorities & Government

Scottish Government has unveiled the first National Marine plan ensuring sustainable economic growth of a range of marine industries and protect and enhance the marine environment.

The National Marine Plan will cover all of Scotland’s sea out to 200 nautical miles and will apply to the exercise of devolved and reserved functions. It balances the development of established industries such as oil and gas and fishing with emerging sectors such as marine renewables and carbon capture and storage. It also ensures the environment itself is protected and enhanced where possible.

According to the document, published by the government, the Plan will cover: carbon capture and storage, offshore wind and marine renewable energy and submarine cables.

Mr Lochhead said:

“Scotland’s seas are fundamental to our way of life. 

“The National Marine Plan will introduce a single framework to manage all activity in Scottish waters and provide clarity to developers and decision makers on Scotland’s priorities for sustainable use of the sea.”

Press release; Image: Scottish government