Sandia Labs to present wave research results

Business & Finance
Sandia Lab engineers testing the WEC (Photo: Sandia National Laboratories)
Sandia Lab engineers testing the WEC (Photo: Sandia National Laboratories)

Sandia National Laboratories has organized a public webinar where it will present the results of the recently concluded wave energy research study.

As part of a study aimed at accelerating the application of advanced control in wave energy converters (WECs), Sandia Labs completed the testing of the 1:17 WEC at the MASK basin at the Naval Surface Warfare Center’s Carderock Division in Maryland.

A testing report is now available online, and Sandia Labs has also organized a public webinar covering the completed work.

It will include an overview of the wave tank testing, system identification methods and results, and model validation, Sandia Labs informed.

The webinar will be held on December 6, 2016.