Russia’s Sakhalin LNG plant ships milestone cargo to Japan

Ports & Logistics
Sakhalin LNG plant (Image courtesy of Gazprom)

Sakhalin Energy, the operator of Russia’s first LNG export plant, said it had shipped the 1500th cargo of the chilled fuel since the launch of the liquefaction facility located in the country’s Far East.

Sakhalin LNG plant (Image courtesy of Gazprom)

The milestone cargo will be delivered by LNG carrier Energy Navigator to Japan’s largest natural gas company Tokyo Gas, according to a statement by Sakhalin Energy.

Tokyo Gas was also the buyer of the first Russian LNG cargo produced at the Sakhalin facility in March 2009, the statement notes.

The LNG facility operated by Gazprom in cooperation with Shell produces LNG from two liquefaction trains with a total production capacity of 9.6 million tonnes per annum.

The majority of Sakhalin LNG cargoes land in Japan. In 2017, 64 percent of the LNG  produced by the Sakhalin plant (or more than 7.4 million tonnes) was shipped to Japanese energy companies, according to the statement.

In addition, Sakhalin LNG buyers include companies from South Korea, China, Taiwan, India, Kuwait and Thailand.


LNG World News Staff