Russia: Okskaya Shipyard Launches Third Volgo-Don Max Class Tanker

Okskaya Shipyard Launches Third Volgo-Don Max Class Tanker

Okskaya shipyard on Saturday, July 28th, held a launching ceremony for a of Volgo-Don Max class named VF Tanker – 13. The vessel comes as the third sea/river tanker of project RST27 that the shipyard is building for V.F.Tanker Shipping Company. Marine Engineering Bureau is responsible for all Project RST27 vessel designs.

New project tanker has increased river function comparing with other MEB projects. River deadweight of RST27 prj. vessels is increased for 716 t comparing to Armadas, while:

  • hull strength increasing (sea region R2, or region II due to old RS classification);
  • practically keeping the same fuel consumption;
  • keeping increase capacity of cargo tanks.

As other river-sea going MEB tankers RST27 prj. vessels use full-circle rudder propellers as united movement and manoeuvre facilities. They have increased trunk and use submersible cargo pumps. They have no longitudinal bulkhead in CL and no framing in cargo tanks.

RST27 prj. vessels satisfy dimensions of the Volga-Don Canal and Volga-Baltic Way. Overall RST27 prj. vessel length is of 140.85 m, breadth is of 16.6 m, depth is of 6.0 m. They belong to “Volgo-Don Max” class. Special requirements of the Russian and world petroleum companies, additional ecological RS limitations of “ECO PROJECT” (ECO-S) class were taken into consideration during designing.

RST27 prj. vessels are assigned for transportation of crude oil and oil products, without flash point restrictions. Total capacity of six cargo tanks and two slop ones is of 8100 cub. m, deadweight is about 7030 tons with sea draught of 4.20 m. Deadweight is about 5428 tons with river draught of 3.60 m. Cruising speed is of 10.0 knots.

Cargo system provides simultaneously transportation of 2 cargoes. Cargo pumps capacity is of 6 x 200 cub. m/hour. Two auxiliary steam boilers (capacity of 2.5 t/hour each) are installed onboard. Two medium-speed diesels (main engine) of 1200 kWt each use heavy fuel oil with viscosity of IFO380. Bow thruster is of 230 kWt. Electrical plant consists of three 292 kWt diesel-generators and emergency-staying 136 kWt diesel-generator.

Crew consists of 12 persons (14 places + pilot).

Autonomy is of 20/12 days (sea/river).


Shipbuilding Tribune Staff, August 1, 2012; Image: osy