Russia Gives Go-Ahead for Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Construction

Business & Finance

Nord Stream 2 AG, the developer of a pipeline to supply Russian natural gas to the EU market through the Baltic Sea, has received a permit for the installation of an underwater pipeline in the territorial sea of the Russian Federation.

The Nord Stream 2 pipes that were produced by Russian companies OMK and Chelpipe are being delivered to the coating plant in Kotka (Finland), where they are inspected. Image Source: Nord Stream 2 / Axel Schmidt

The permit has been issued by Russia’s Federal Agency for the Supervision of Natural Resources Use (Rosprirodnadzor) in accordance with the established procedure.

The permit covers a section of approximately 114 kilometres in the Russian territorial sea. Practical implementation of the project under the terms of the newly issued permit will begin in the near future, taking into account environmental aspects and in line with the conclusion of the State Environmental Expert Reviewand the Water Use License.

The Ministry of Construction and Utilities previously issued a construction permit for the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline on the Russian territory. All the permits necessary for construction of the Russian section of the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline have now been received.

In addition to Russia, Germany, Finland and Sweden have granted all the permits necessary for construction of the planned pipeline within their jurisdictions. The national permitting procedure in Denmark is ongoing.