RS Aqua to supply wave measurement buoys for MERIKA

Authorities & Government

RS Aqua is expected to supply wave measurement buoys for the MERIKA project initiated by UHI (University of the Highlands and the Islands).

RS Aqua supplies oceanographic and environmental equipment to the research, survey and monitoring markets.

The company has been awarded contract by the Scottish government. It is required to provide 2 years after sale support and maintenance services for the supplied equipment.

MERIKA (Marine Energy Research Innovation and Knowledge Accelerator) is an initiative by UHI (University of the Highlands and the Islands), located in Scotland and the UK’s outermost region.

The project is funded by the European Union FP7 (REGPOT) programme, and seeks to establish a marine energy research and innovation hub in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.

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Image: RS Aqua/Illustration