ROS Completes Turbine Oil Exchange at Welsh Offshore Wind Farm

Operations & Maintenance

Renewable Oil Services (ROS) has carried out hydraulic oil exchange on the turbines of the Rhyl Flats offshore wind farm.

Under a contract with innogy, ROS performed the hydraulic oil exchange, including hydraulic system flushing, on 25 Siemens 3.6MW turbines at the site north of the Port of Mostyn in the Irish Sea.

The UK-based company said it mobilized its specialized offshore modulated oil exchange equipment, manpower, Castrol hydraulic oil product and a vessel.

According to ROS, three complete turbine hydraulic oil exchanges were achieved in one single operational day, reducing the turbine downtime to the minimum.

“We pride ourselves at ROS in being on the forefront of oil exchange services within the wind turbine industry where we are continually innovating to provide our customers with a high standard of service while helping them to reduce turbine downtime and LCOE,” said Barry Sutherland, Managing Director of ROS.

Rhyl Flats, located approximately 8km off the coast of North Wales, was commissioned in 2009. The 90MW offshore wind farm can provide enough clean energy to cover the annual needs of circa 61,000 average Welsh homes.