Rolls Royce Marine, Maersk Line Shortlisted for Heyerdahl Award 2014

Business & Finance

Solstad Offshore ASA, Rolls Royce Marine, Norled AS and Maersk Line have been shortlisted for the prestigious Thor Heyerdahl International Maritime Environmental Award 2014.

Rolls Royce Marine, Maersk Line Shortlisted for Heyerdahl Award 2014

The prize recognizes candidates from the shipping industry that have made an outstanding contribution to the environment. The award is presented to the winner by H.M. King Harald at the Norwegian Shipowners’ Annual Conference on March 31.

The Thor Heyerdahl International Maritime Environmental Award was established in 1999 by Thor Heyerdahl (1914 – 2002) and the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association.

To qualify for the award, candidates must have demonstrated exceptional technical innovation and environmental work in correspondence with Thor Heyerdahl’s spirit for the conservation of the environment. Emphasis is placed on measures that combine environmental benefits with improved profitability.

The Norwegian Shipowners’ Association has the secretariat of the award.

“With the Heyerdahl award, we aim to recognize members of the industry that act beyond rules and regulations. We want to acknowledge those who do more than required and to make visible the industry’s ideas and solutions to what is by far the biggest challenge of our time – energy efficiency and the environment,” says Sturla Henriksen, CEO of the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association.

21 candidates were suggested for the award, and the Expert Committee, chaired by ICS Secretary General Peter Hinchliffe had a challenge reducing the list to four candidates.

More information about the candidates:

Solstad Offshore ASA is shortlisted for their Green Operations Initiative, a fuel saving campaign reducing emissions to air. The company also workswith the Rainforest Foundation Norway to reduce emissions and provide funds towards protecting the rainforest. Through the Green Operation Initiative, Solstad has managed to involve and engage its employees in a fuel saving campaign that reduced fuel consumption with about 20%, emissions equivalent of 90 000 tons CO2 and protected more than 19 000 000 m2 of rainforest in 2013

Rolls Royce Marine is shortlisted for the development of the “Environship Concept”. The new bow design in combination with an innovative propulsion line based on new developed technology, gives a significant contribution to emission reduction. The concept vessels incorporate a striking wave piercing bow, gas powered engines, Hybride Shaft Generator and an innovative propulsion system, which combined, significantly improves overall performance. The vessels virtually eliminate SOx particles and 90 % of NOx and CO2 emissions are reduced with more than 40% compared to similar conventional ships. The Environship concept is adaptable for different types of vessels.

Norled AS is shortlisted for the world’s first battery run car ferry. Norled’s battery ferry is equipped with electric motors to drive the ship’s two screws. These motors are powered by a battery weighing 10 metric tons. As a catamaran with two slim hulls, it offers less resistance in the water than a conventional vessel. The hulls are also made of aluminum instead of heavier steel. Overall, the ferry weighs half as much as a conventional design. Using an electric ferry will bring significant environmental benefits compared to conventional engines. The ferry will be in service from 2015.

Maersk Line for their “Triple E”-class ships, a family of large, fuel-efficient container ships, designed as a successor to the Maersk E-class. The name “Triple E” is derived from three design principles: “Economy of scale, Energy efficiency and Environmentally improved”. The Triple E ships are the most energy efficient containerships in the world, – with carbon dioxide emissions, per container, expected to be 50% lower than emissions by typical ships on the Asia-Europe route. A cradle-to-cradle design principle has been used to improve recycling when the ships end their life.

NSA, March 12, 2014