A zoomed-in view of an offshore gas platform

Revitalization of Trillion’s Black Sea asset ‘off to a great start’ as gas production begins to stabilize

Exploration & Production

After completing Phase 1 of the workover program at a gas field offshore Türkiye, Canada’s oil and gas player Trillion Energy is gearing up for Phase 2 aiming to sustain long-term natural gas production.

Akcakoca production platform; Source: Trillion Energy

According to Trillion, the completion of four workovers marks a major milestone in its strategic perforation program, increasing the gas production capacity at its SASB field in the Black Sea off the coast of Türkiye. The previous update on the two-month work program was provided on July 31.

As reported by the Canadian player, the complete payback of the recent perforation capex has been achieved in 35 days of production. The wells started production over a staggered period from July 9 to July 28 and have already produced 140 MMcf.

Arthur Halleran, CEO of Trillion said: “The wells on the Akcakoca Platform have been completed successfully with gas production and WHP continuing to increase. This early return on our investment is a clear indicator of the field’s robust production potential. The results are very positive, giving us good indications that decreasing the production tubing size from 4 ½” to 2 3/8” using velocity strings, should stabilize gas production at the targeted rates.”

In the first phase of the workover, all remaining gas pay on the Akcakoca platform was perforated including three long-reach deviated gas wells – Guluc-2, South Akcakoca-2, West Akcakoca-1 – and the completed legacy well Akcakoca-3, all drilled in the 2022/2023 program. 

Two wells have stabilized, South Akcakoca-2 at approximately 2.75 MMcf/d over its 36 days of production, and Guluc-2 averaging at 2.0 MMcf/d over three weeks, while currently producing at a stable rate of about 1.25 MMcf/d. As for the remaining two, West Akcakoca-1 has produced an average of 0.60 MMcf/d for over two weeks, but has not yet stabilized due to some irregularities. Gas flow did not initially occur at Akcakoca-3 following perforation, but the well head pressure (WHP) has steadily increased from 100 psi to 478 psi, thus, the start of production is expected soon.  

Gas production from the Akcakoca platform has averaged 4.6 MMcf/d since the perforation program concluded. With phase 1 of the SASB work program completed, the firm is getting ready for the next stage which will involve installing velocity strings in 8–9 existing gas wells. This initiative aims to enhance and sustain long-term natural gas production.