Registration Period for Hornsea Two Ends Tomorrow

Authorities & Government

Registration to become an interested party on the application for the Hornsea Project Two offshore wind farm, developed by SMart Wind, will close tomorrow, April 22. 

During this pre-examination stage at the Planning Inspectorate, all those who registered can have their say on the proposal and comment on the views that other people have provided. Also, they can attend the preliminary meeting, when the Inspectorate will decide which issues the examination will focus upon and the timetable for the examination.

The application was accepted by the Planning Inspectorate in February, since when the examining authority has approximately three months to prepare for the examination.

Project Two, the second offshore wind farm SMart Wind is developing in the Hornsea Zone, will be up to 360 turbines and is located approximately 89km off the Yorkshire coast.

SMart Wind expects a recommendation by the Planning Inspectorate, and decision by the Secretary of State for Energy, by mid-2016.

Image: SMartWind