Overview page containing news articles

United Kingdom

List of the highlighted articles

LR and KRISO partner up to advance marine autonomation

  • Research & Development
Posted: 2 days ago

Ocean Energy Europe expands board of directors

  • Outlook & Strategy
Posted: 4 days ago
Posted: 4 days ago

BAR Technologies rolls out new 20-24m WindWings models

  • Business Developments & Projects
Posted: 4 days ago
long read

Delay on the cards for first oil from North Sea project

  • Business Developments & Projects
Posted: 5 days ago
Industry Contribution

Laying FID groundwork for UK-Iceland subsea interconnector

  • Business Developments & Projects
Posted: 5 days ago

Shell signs over decom management role at North Sea fields to EnQuest

  • Business Developments & Projects
Posted: 8 days ago
Posted: 8 days ago

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